It's a goal planning & investment platform

Moneybase is a simple, yet, powerful personal finance utility that allows you to give shape to your dream goals

“A Robo-Investment Platform with a creative human touch”

Moneybase Mobile App - Get it on Google Play Store
Paperless mutual fund investment
"Go Paperless"
save time on managing investments
"Save Time"

Be informed on personal finance and Investments
"Be Informed"

automate investments
"Automate Your Investments"

grow your hard earned money
"Grow Your Money"

Create an intuitive goal and map your investments to it.

Be it defining your dream goal or selecting an investment avenue, use Moneybase platform to customise it all by considering your needs and risk appetite

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moneybase investment platform will help you to shape your financial goals like Retirement Planning, Your dream home, dream car, childs education, marriage expense, contingency fund, dream vacation, create wealth
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Use the most advanced tracking system to analyse an investment scheme of your choice. Invest like a Pro.

Start investing at your convenience

Choose your own investing style. Be it a lumpsum investment or a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), moneybase will help bring discipline into your personal finance

Lump sum investment

Lump sum investment means One time investment in mutual funds or Bulk investment in mutual fund

Systematic investment plan (SIP)

 SIP is a smart investment option offered by mutual funds to investors, allowing them to invest using small periodically amounts instead of lump sums. The frequency of investment is usually weekly, monthly or quarterly. How Power of Compounding helps money grow over a period of time to build a big corpus for future to realize your dreams

Track & Manage your entire investment quickly and easily

Browse through your detailed investment reports with a smart tag to your financial goals. Stay in total control of your money and financial dreams

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